I used to find that joke funny
But the the dovakinh burst into my room and fucked me up then shouted at me.
I used to find that joke funny
But the the dovakinh burst into my room and fucked me up then shouted at me.
Tax Return!
Fucking hilarious. Brilliant usage of modern colloquialisms as well boy.
Well done, innit.
Touching in every way.
Also @ ZombieStripper in that club, the guy KNEW he was good. That was his problem. And if you become famous for being good at one aspect of music, say Deathcore, you can't play something else 'cause people will say you aren't good at it and you aren't good in general.
It's sad what homo sapiens can be. I doubt most of the time we're deserving of the title. Most of the time we are just homo erectii, mindless sheeple.
Makes me wish I had a pentagram.
I just love Satan's retarded moment.
I feel saddened...
I got that guy from that kids programme (He's dressed in blue and theres a pick haired girl and some puppets), but hardly anyone else? I'm embarrased at myself...
"It's sickening"
I lol'd so hard. I don't even know why it's just hilarious.
Gotta love this
"There was a promise of cake that never seemed to materialize."
Perfectly Timed
Brilliant timing with the music. I imagine that took a lot of work. But just generally brilliant sir.
Oh god.
Even though it's just wrong, it's too fucking enchanting!
Raptor Jesus is my lord, FUUUUUUUUUUUU-
Age 29, Male
Prisoner (At School)
A bad place.
Joined on 2/5/08